Reformed University Fellowship

Point of Contact: Ben Spivey

If you’re a college student, we hope you will involve yourself in both a campus ministry as well as the church. There will come a day (eventually) that you will graduate from college and move along from campus ministry. However, you will never move along from the life of the church! We encourage you during your years in college to learn what it means to be a part of the body of Christ.

We also encourage you to be part of a campus ministry for your own encouragement and growth and for the opportunities there will be for you to serve. Our ministry to the campus is Reformed University Fellowship (RUF for short). Ben Spivey is the campus minister and you can find out more about him and RUF at their website: Reformed University Fellowship Lynchburg or Instagram (@lynchburgRUF).

RUF meets every Tuesday at 7:30pm on Liberty University’s campus
Email for more info.


You’re invited to a college student fellowship lunch on the first Sunday of each month from Sept.-May.

When: Following the 2nd service

Where: Lobby

Who: College aged students, friends, any family as well!