Point of Contact: Sara Driggers (missions@mercypres.org)
Jesus said, “I will build my church” (Matthew 16:18). The church is God’s mission in the world. Thus, we desire to be a church that does more than simply support missions. Instead, we must first see our congregation as part of God’s larger mission to the world, here in Forest, Virginia, to gather and equip his people. Yet we also know that the church is much larger than our congregation, and so we desire to partner with others called to Jesus’ mission to build his church throughout the world, both near and far.

Serving with TeachBeyond in Spain
Angela serves as a guidance counselor at Evangelical Christian Academy in Camarma, Spain. In addition to her role as a counselor, she has also taken on leadership of several Bible studies and Bible classes, student council, and yearbook. The school’s student population is comprised primarily of missionary kids. As a missionary kid, or “third culture kid,” herself, Angela feels uniquely equipped to meet these students where they are and counsel them through making sense of their situations and responding to their problems in God-honoring ways.

Chris and Lori Gassler
Serving with Wycliffe in Cameroon

Jim and Karen Weaver
Serving in Dakar, Senegal
Jim and Karen, along with their son, Roman, live and work in Dakar, Senegal, one of the largest and most influential cities in West Africa, with a population that is 95% Muslim. At the invitation of the Presbyterian Church of Senegal, Jim has been working with the denomination to identify and train pastors for church planting through the Timothy House program—a two-year, residential, church-planter training program. Additionally, Jim serves as MTW’s Regional Director for all West Africa and as the Chairman of West African Reformed Mission (WARM)—a partnering ministry that supports over 100 national missionaries working in West Africa. Prior to moving to Senegal, Jim served as a senior pastor of a PCA church in Delaware from 1999-2017. In 2003, he began traveling to West Africa to build relationships, teach seminary classes and collaborate for ministry.
Working alongside Jim, Karen serves as Jim’s administrative assistant, and also assists with women’s ministry and a girls home ministry, for girls at risk of being sold into a growing child trafficking industry. Karen also serves as Co-Chair for SALT (Sub-Saharan Africa Ladies Together)—women’s ministry for MTW missionary women serving in all Africa.
Jim and Karen have six children, four sons-in-law and four grandchildren.

Serving with RUF at Virginia Tech

Ben and KirstIn Spivey
Serving with RUF in Lynchburg
Ben and Kirstin Spivey serve with RUF Lynchburg. The Spiveys work to reach believing and unbelieving college students with the gospel of Jesus. They are doing this so that those who have not believed might know the love of Jesus and those who have believed might trust him more and be equipped to serve him.
Ben and Kirstin met in 2011 at an after-church lunch while he was a student at Liberty University and involved with Lynchburg RUF. They married in Lynchburg in 2012 and went into the RUF internship in 2013. They love to feed people, play board games, do anything outdoors, and watch their children attack their friends.

Benjamin and Anna Wontrop
Serving with Presbyterian Evangelistic Fellowship in England

Marty and Sara Driggers
Serving with Wycliffe in Virginia
The Driggers have been Wycliffe members since 2010. From 2012 to 2019 Marty, Sara and their four daughters, Taylor, Tia, Miriam and Jade, were engaged with Bible translation in several support roles in Papua New Guinea, and now find themselves working a remote assignment in Virginia. Marty is working outside the organization as a sheriff deputy and remains a Wycliffe member. Sara is working as a partnership development (PD) associate director, PD coach and an Engage (new member orientation) PD facilitator. She loves the honor of serving her department on the leadership team, and her role in encouraging and advising new and established members as they seek prayer and financial partners to sustain them in their Wycliffe assignments. The Driggers experience great joy in helping to advance Bible translation all over the world by serving other Wycliffe missionaries.